Client Galleries
I am excited to share with you all the incredible images we were able to capture on your special day.
Click on the button to visit your gallery.
Once there, simply click on your name, and enter your password.
Your personal gallery displays all your images. You can now dive in and enjoy the memories. If you want to zoom in on an image to see every detail up close, simply click on the word ‘compare,’ & drag the image into the box that pops up. Now you can zoom in or out to your heart’s content.
Tip! – If you are deciding between 2 images, drag them both into a compare box and look at them side by side.
Now for the most exciting part…. Our site will keep track of your ‘favorite’ images for you…no need to write down image numbers on a separate piece of paper! Just click on the ‘heart’ icon for any image you want to go into your ‘favorites’ folder. Your favorites will be separated out from the remaining images. This is especially important if you are choosing images to go into an album or memory book. Be sure to sign in with the same email address each time so we can keep track of your favorites.

546 Eliot Street
Milton, MA 02186
M - F : 9am–5pm & by appointment
Sat : by appointment
Sun : by appointment
(617) 908-9616